The First Charter Review meeting commenced at 6:03 pm 9/16/19.

Members present: Geraldine Rodriguez-Smith, David Jordan, Edward Alonzo, III, William Johnson, Michelle Alonzo, Abraham Diaz, Sarah Smart, Adam Castillo, and Erick Matta.
First order of Business was to elect the Chair and Vice-Chair. A motion was made to delay election, but it failed. David Jordan was elected Chairman and I was elected Vice-Chairman.
We then proceeded to: Discussion on Meeting Schedule and Other Organizational Matters.
Decisions made were:
- Have an attorney, not being a committee member, and employed by Leon Valley present at all meetings, but if attorney is unable to attend, the committee shall continue the meeting.
- Have the assistant City Manager present at all meetings to manage some research and take notes.
- The City Manager asked to be distant from the process (except when required/requested by the committee), so as to not appear an undue influence.
- Meetings will be every Monday 6:30pm with a preference for ending at 9:30pm.
- Due to holidays, this will be adjusted.
- The Committee will due interim reports to city council to allow city council to weigh in on any changes, prior to submission to council for vote.
- The Zoning commission procedural rules will be submitted as the basis for the committee’s.
- Citizens to be Heard will be included in the Committee’s meeting.
Denise Frederick, Leon Valley City Attorney, reviewed “Presentation on Charter Process and Discussion on Charter “.
Bill Johnson suggested that all committee members bring a list of items to address, so that we could better gauge the depth needed in each given area.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:11 p.m.